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2022 都不落空:夢想起飛音樂會 12.10 @Taipei 101


Melody Hwang 黃友聞 X 卓越藝術傳播基金會 聯合製作

★ 用我們熟悉的語言、唱出自己的聲音,感動全世界!



重新詮釋這個流傳幾千年的古老愛情故事 ——— 約瑟與馬利亞那年的聖誕節。

Chinese Musical Songs + Jewish Love Story

Touching hearts all over the world through song and the Chinese language!

Language reflects culture. What sparks will fly when a Jewish love story meets a Chinese-language musical songs? We want to recreate an ancient Jewish love story – the Christmas story with Mary and Joseph -- in an original musical and theatrical production, in the Chinese language, with Chinese voices, and in the cultural perspective of the Chinese people.


To keep believing or to give up? Oh, the beauty and heartaches of a dreamer.

When dreams meet reality, doubt is inevitable. When love encounters trial, we’re reminded that not all stories end in “happily ever after.” Allow these songs to escort you into the inner-world of Mary and Joseph as they embark on an adventure of Biblical magnitude—one of dreams and trials. May their journey inspire our own and remind us to believe and never give up.



This Christmas may our dreams take flight and our faith Never Fails!

★ 音樂劇,一群人的夢想起飛。

卓越藝術傳播基金會Zoe Arts Foundation 攜手亞洲論壇之星、Good TV金傳獎才女—黃友聞 Melody Hwang 共同製作《Never Fails 都不落空》原創華語聖誕音樂劇歌曲發表會,並與獨一文創行銷公司聯合主辦,於2022年12月在夢想的發源地 — The One at Taipei 101獨一文創舉辦《2022 都不落空:夢想起飛音樂會》實體與線上演出,一起來見證華麗的夢想起飛。

★ 音樂劇,一群人的創意綻放。

音樂劇迷人之處,是需要一群人發揮創意、彼此合作綻放出來的美麗。不僅是音樂,還有劇本、舞蹈、服裝、舞台、多媒體、場域設計、行政管理... 等集結各類人才共同創作,才能完成一部音樂劇。2022年夢想起飛歌曲發表會,是一個小小的起步,我們期待2025年能將這部音樂劇完整呈現給觀眾看。

★ 音樂劇,全民一起唱,全球遍地開花。

我們夢想,未來製作一部屬於大家的音樂劇。不僅是音樂、藝術、幕後人才的投入,更重要的是,您的加入!我們迫不及待與全球華語觀眾分享音樂創作,便開始籌備「音樂劇歌曲發表」實體與線上《2022 都不落空:夢想起飛音樂會》。我們期待這是大家可以一起參與的夢想,啟動了群眾募資計畫,在10月10日達到了第一階段目標1百萬元!不僅如此,我們期待完成這部音樂劇後,邀請更多人一起唱、一起演、一起製作這部音樂劇,在全球有華語觀眾之處遍地開花。

Never Fails: The Fulfillment of a Dream

Melody Hwang, winner of the Good TV Songwriting award is collaborating with Zoe Arts Foundation to produce a multi-media concert based on the original Chinese Christmas Musical song concert called “Never Fails”! This world premiere concert will be held at The One @ Taipei 101. Please join us in celebrating and realizing a dream that is to take flight on December 10, 2022!

Never Fails: The Harvest of People All Over the World Coming Together

Our dream is to produce a musical that belongs to all people. More important than the music, the artists or background talents, is YOUR involvement! We can’t wait to share these songs with the rest of the world, and that is why we will be live-streaming the whole concert online. We want this to be a dream that you can be a part of as well! And that is why we are crowdfunding this initiative. And we won’t stop here; after this year’s concert, we look forward to bringing this musical to the stage—and to stages all over the world! Let us pursue this dream together!

Never Fails: The Blossoming of Creativity

A musical theater production requires the creativity and collaboration of many talents—from music and script, to choreography, costumes, stage and props, multimedia, etc. This World Premiere Concert is only the beginning. We look forward to presenting a full musical theater stage production in 2025.


2022 都不落空:夢想起飛音樂會

原創華語聖誕音樂劇《都不落空》歌曲發表會 The Original Chinese Christmas Musical Songs "Never Fails" World Premiere Concert 2022

以音樂劇原創歌曲14首為藍本,規劃「微音樂劇」視聽藝術多重饗宴。演出將呈現獨唱、雙重唱、輪唱、三重唱、大合唱等多元風格歌曲外,結合多媒體藝術、音樂演奏、舞蹈創作等,帶領觀眾沉浸在《Never Fails 都不落空》情境世界。更有節目小彩蛋、與神秘嘉賓演出,將整個節目演出帶向慶典高峰,於2022年歲末年終為觀眾獻上愉悅的聖誕饗宴。

This December’s concert will be a feast of songs, art, and multimedia, based on 14 original songs. There will be solo performances, duets, round songs, trios, and choruses mixed in with dance and orchestral elements to create an audibly stunning and visually captivating immersive storytelling experience. Also look forward to special guest performances!

實體音樂會 Live Concert

  • 時 間 TIME/2022.12.10 Saturday (週六) 19:30-21:30

  • 地 點 VENUE/

    The One at Taipei 101 獨一文創

    台北101大樓 台北市信義區市府路45號4樓

    Taipei 101 Building, 4th Floor, No. 45, Shifu Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City

  • 入 場 TICKET/限量600席次,已滿席,全數贈與贊助人。

    Tickets are reserved exclusively for crowd-funding sponsors, not for sales.

線上音樂會 Online Concert

  • 時 間 TIME/2022.12.10 Saturday (週六) 19:30-21:30

         可回放至2022/12/25 23:59 Video Replay Available Until 2022/12/25 23:59.

  • 線上音樂會平台/Online Concert Platform: KKTIX

  • 入 場 ADMISSION/KKTIX 虛擬票卷,限量發售中!KKTIX Virtual Tickets Available for Sales!



黃友聞 Melody Hwang

★ 鐵肺歌后-鄧紫棋-形容其歌聲令人起「雞皮疙瘩」地好聽!(翻唱「平行世界」

★ 與創作歌手嚴爵音樂MV合作 “What If I Fly 我若翱翔” (

★ 三立新聞網報導、超過134萬人次觀看:台灣第一沙手莊明達《為太魯閣事故祈禱》影片音樂合作(

★ Good TV創作金傳獎


★ Queen of the Iron Lung, Hong Kong superstar G.E.M. has praised Melody’s voice as goosebumps-inducing. (Cover "Parallel,"

★ Collaborated with Taiwanese singer and actor Yen-j to produce MV “What If I Fly (

★ Reported by SET News, over 1.34 million views: Music collaboration with Taiwan’s #1 Sand artist Minta Chuang in “Prayer for the Taroko Accident” Video (

★ Good TV Songwriting Award


Melody接受在家教育過程中,同時於美國加州Forerunner Christian Church (慕主先鋒教會) 任音樂敬拜主領、帶領Harp and Bowl Worship Band (琴與爐敬拜團隊) 超過15年。期間嶄露音樂創作才華,錄製、出版多張音樂專輯。於Bethel Church (伯特利教會)實習期間,師從音樂製作人Luke Henderson,學習錄音與製作。跟隨創意部門總監Theresa Dedmon長達三年,學習如何將創意文化落實於當地社區工作。2018年受邀至IHOP (International House of Prayer, 國際禱告殿) 任音樂講師兩年。

2020年返台後,Melody開始經營YouTube頻道,除發表許多原創歌曲外,風格更擴及流行音樂、中東文化音樂、音樂劇…等。同年,更以創作歌曲「美麗翱翔」獲得《Good TV好音樂》創作金傳獎。如同她的英文名字Melody(旋律)一樣,Melody譜出的旋律經常觸動人心、充滿療癒力。她的音樂,情感豐沛且細膩,展現出超越其年齡的成熟與深度,經常令許多聽眾感到驚奇與震撼。2022年,Melody開始一個關於音樂劇的夢想。透過音樂講述感動人心的故事外,並向這個時代以及廣大喜愛音樂的觀眾們傳達重要信息。


Born and raised in the United States, Melody was immersed in music since early childhood. At the age of three she began to learn piano with her mother. At the age of twelve, her passion for music was reignited and she devoted herself to the craft, practicing piano for hours a day and diving into the world of songwriting, recording, and producing music.

Besides being homeschooled, Melody also served as a worship leader and Harp & Bowl leader at her home church Forerunner Christian Church, cultivating over 15 years of worship leading experience. During this time, she continued to develop her songwriting and musical production craft and helped produce multiple albums. She interned with Bethel Music’s producer Luke Hendrickson, focusing on livestream mixing and production, and also with Bethel Church’s Creative Arts director Theresa Dedmon, learning how to collaborate with the local community to create a culture of creativity.

After she moved to Taiwan in 2020, Melody began to steward her YouTube channel, releasing original songs that cover a wide-range of genres including pop, Middle-eastern cultural music, musicals, gospel, etc. That same year she also won GoodTV’s Songwriting Award for her song “Beauty Arise.” Just like her name, the melodies Melody writes often touch people’s hearts and have a healing effect. Her music, emotionally rich and delicate, exhibit a depth and maturity beyond her years, often surprising many listeners. In 2022, Melody decided to pursue her longtime dream of writing a musical. She hopes that this musical will not only touch many people’s hearts but also inspire a generation with a message of hope.


★ 發行專輯

2013《從未見一位》("Never Seen Another Like You") 歌曲創作、製作人 (慕主音樂敬拜讚美專輯)

2015《剎那間》(“Suddenly”) 發行第一張創作專輯

2018-2019《燃燒新婦》、《神之道》擔任編曲、製作人 (慕主音樂)

2022《單戀情歌》(“Unrequited Love Songs”) 發行第二張創作專輯


2013 “Never Seen Another Like You” Songwriter and Producer. FRCC Music Studio Album.

2015 “Suddenly” All-Original Songs Debut Album Release

2018-2019 “Blazing Beauty – EP,” “Word of God – EP.” Orchestration Arranger and Producer (FRCC Music Album)

2022 ”Unrequited Love Song” Sophomore Album Release. FRCC Music.

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Nov 24, 2022



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