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《文化關懷: 10月訊》專訪卓越藝術傳播基金會


以下內容轉載自 IAM (International Arts Movement, 國際藝術行動組織) 藤村研究訓練員 Ally Lima 採訪卓越藝術傳播基金會專文。


藝術的影響力無法一眼望穿,往往潛藏在表面之下。我常常在自己所創造的或喜愛的藝術中掙扎,尋找一種意義,期盼能從過去的美學思想中,獲得更深層的訊息。跟台灣 Zoe Art Foundation 卓越藝術傳播基金會(以下簡稱卓藝會)Claire的一次對話後,我開始以一種有別以往的眼光,去看待藝術的影響力。

卓藝會Claire向我娓娓道來他們的旅程。卓藝會推動各種公共教育計劃,透過工作坊、音樂會與其他活動等,在不同文化身份間建立溝通的橋樑、跨越文化間的隔閡。在現任董事長Ginny接手前,卓藝會其實已有20年歷史。能有機會接手經營、重新整頓一個藝術傳播基金會,實在難能可貴。轉移過程中,他們也發現原來基金會的英文名字「Zoe」(音譯:卓越) 源自希臘語,意旨「生命」。這為他們帶來許多靈感,也更明確指出基金會的使命:生命、藝術、傳播,透過不同藝術形式來觸碰各式各樣、不同背景的人們。實際上了解卓藝會辦理的各項計劃與活動後,他們確實做到了!






Ally Lima 現於巴克內爾大學就讀、主修英文,被遴選為受訓的藤村研究員。她將定期在文化關懷電子報上發表關於正義、藝術與文化的反思文。

採訪原文/ Original Article from "October 2021 Culture Care Newsletter" by Ally Lima.

編譯 / 何毓書,卓越藝術傳播基金會總幹事


Ally Lima is a student at Bucknell University, where she is studying English. She is also a Fujimura Fellow (in training!). Her reflections on justice, art, and culture will appear in the newsletter on a regular basis.

The power of art often lies beneath the surface, creating an impact that perhaps we cannot notice at a glance. I have often faced this struggle of finding meaning in the art that I have consumed or created, desiring to look past aesthetics to see the deeper message. After speaking with Claire Ho of the Zoe Arts Foundation based in Taiwan, I found myself looking at the influence of art in a much more nuanced way.

Zoe Arts utilizes educational programs, workshops, concerts, and other events to break down walls between cultures and form meaningful connections between those with different identities. Claire discussed with me the journey of forming the foundation and finding a new meaning for Zoe Arts, which had existed as a non-profit for 20 years before she and Zoe Arts Chairman Ginny Hu Chien took it over. As the two were given the opportunity to reinvent this non-profit, they made the discovery of ​“Zoe” meaning ​“life” in Greek, sparking inspiration for their meaningful journey. From this connection, the calling for Zoe Arts was made clear: life, art, and communication, or reaching out to people through different forms of art. After learning more about the foundation, it is clear that they have done just that.

As I was told more about the events and projects put on by Zoe Arts, my attention was especially drawn to the pivotal role of art in providing a window into different cultures, particularly Israeli culture. While the connection between Taiwanese and Israeli people may seem obscure, the way that Zoe Arts has brought together these seemingly disparate cultures displays the power of art in forming unlikely relationships, even if the impact is not immediately recognizable. By hosting Israeli cultural events and exhibitions in Taiwan, the foundation has provided the opportunity for people of all backgrounds to connect with and learn about another culture that they may otherwise find themselves entirely disconnected from.

Given the distance between Taiwan and the Middle East, Zoe Arts has proven to embody culture care on a global scale as these connections have been formed. In our conversation, Claire delved into the ethos of culture care and the way that it creates the opportunity for people to open their minds to listen first and then respond, allowing for the exploration of all possibilities. Zoe Arts has done just this by allowing individuals to pause and consume different forms of art and internalize it in the ways that they individually feel to be most impactful. As art is an expression, Zoe Arts has given the freedom to its consumers to appreciate the influence of the work in their own ways.

My conversation with Claire undoubtedly opened my eyes to the cultural impact of art in all of its forms. While perhaps I am not always quick to notice the deeper meaning behind a pretty picture at the first glance, the influence of art goes far beyond this in the way that it is able to bring people together, whether we realize it or not.

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